Exchanges or Returns

Exchanges or Returns
At IPHONERY, we understand that sometimes customers may need to exchange or return products they have purchased. To do this, we have established a series of instructions that customers must follow to successfully make exchanges or returns.

First of all, it is important to note that we do not accept returns or exchanges of products that have been unsealed and/or activated. Therefore, if a customer has unsealed or activated a product, they will not be able to return or exchange it.

If a product does not meet the established conformity criteria, that is, it does not correspond to the description provided by IPHONERY, it does not have the characteristics detailed in the description, the steps to follow to make a return are as follows:

Contact IPHONERY: The first step is to contact us to inform us of the problem with the product. This can be done via WhatsApp, Telegram or the contact form on the website.

Provide detailed information: It is important to provide detailed information about the problem with the product, including a description of the problem, photographs if possible, and any other relevant information that will help IPHONERY understand the situation.

Follow instructions: Once IPHONERY has reviewed the information provided, we will contact the customer to provide instructions on how to proceed with the return. This may include generating a shipping label, the address to which the product should be sent, and any other important details.

Send the product: The customer must send the product back to IPHONERY following the instructions provided. It is important to ensure that the product is properly packaged and protected to prevent damage during shipping.

Processing the return: Once IPHONERY receives the product back, they will process the return and contact the customer to inform them of the outcome. This may include refunding the purchase amount, replacing the product with a new one, or any other appropriate solution depending on the case.

The return of the product will not be accepted if at least one of the components is missing or has been unsealed:
- It is important to note that the return of unsealed and/or activated products is not accepted.
- Returns of products with missing components, documents or damaged elements are not accepted.